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WiSe 24/25: Seminar Volkswirtschaftstheorie (Makro, Prof. Gehrke)
Bachelor-Seminar „Fiscal policy, public debt and macroeconomic outcomes“ Wintersemester 2024/25 In this seminar, students will discuss the latest research on the macroeconomic implications of fiscal policy and public debt. One major objective is to analyze the current situation in major economies against this backdrop and to discuss policy options. Prüfungsleistung: 12-seitige ...
WiSe 24/25: Seminar Wirtschaftstheorie (Mikro, Prof. Prummer)
Course Overview   Instructor Anja Prummer, anja.prummer@fu-berlin.de, Office hours: by appointment   Meeting Time and Location Lecture: Tuesdays 14:15 - 15:45, HS 108a Seminar: Thursday 12.12. 08:00-18:00 and Friday 13.12. 08:00-18:00 There will be additional, individualized session for feedback in 2025, which will be announced in due course. The lectures start on ...