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Political Decision-making: Understanding Decisions by and about Politicians


Dozent/inBenny Geys

Wirtschaftspolitisches Seminar

08.01.2010, 09:00 Uhr - 09.01.2010, 20:00 Uhr
Ort: Garystr. 21, HS 107a


Wirtschaftspolitisches Seminar (Prüf.-Nr. 42016) :  "Political Decision-making: Understanding Decisions by and about Politicians”

This seminar aims to address diverse aspects of political decision-making processes. It looks both at what determines voters’ decisions regarding politicians as well as what drives the decisions politicians make once they are elected. Regarding the first issue, we regard individuals’ decisions to turn out to cast a vote and who they vote for. For example, are turnout decisions affected by cost/benefit analyses and/or feelings of civic duty? Can the design of election ballots affect individuals’ vote decisions? How do the economy and wars affect election results and politicians’ popularity? With respect to the second element, the seminar will be concerned with the effects of government composition and political competition on public policies. For example, does politicians’ gender affect public policy? Does the number of parties in a coalition and their respective ideologies influence political decision-making? Are politicians in one jurisdiction affected by what politicians in other jurisdictions decide?


Notice: Although all written work related to the seminar can be submitted in either German or English, all presentations will take place exclusively in English. Also, the seminar will be taught in English. Ability and willingness to read English texts is therefore quintessential.


For further information about registration and requirements follow the link.

For all registered students an introductory session with the distribution of the topics take place on 02. November at 10:00 a.m. in HS 108.