Dipl.-Kfm. Stefan R. Grabs

Academic and professional background:
since Nov. 2010
Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin
external doctoral candidate at the Chair for Accounting and Auditing (Prof. Dr. Klaus Ruhnke), School of Business & Economics, FACTS department
since Oct. 2010
KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Berlin
audit assistant in the corporate clients department
Oct. 09 - March 10
Chair of Business Administration (Taxation), Nuremberg
tutor for accounting
Rödl & Partner, Nuremberg
working student in the team for international tax law
April 07 – Sept. 08
Chair of Business Administration (Taxation), Nuremberg
tutor for accounting and student assistant
July 04 – June 05
Kempinski Hotels S.A., London (United Kingdom)
steady employment as groups coordinator with the interational sales office for the British and Irish market
Training and Studies
Oct. 05 – Sept. 10
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Nuremberg
studies of business administration (diploma) in the field of "taxation and auditing"
studies of international business administration, degree: intermediate diploma
March 09 - April 10
Bayerische EliteAkademie, Munich
supported by Bavarian enterprises and universities, supplementary studies
Sept. 08 – June 09
Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares (Spain)
studies abroad within the Erasmus programme
Aug. 01 - June 04
Kempinski Hotel Bristol Berlin, Berlin
training in the hotel business (Hotelfachmann)
Jan. – March 2010
KPMG, Nuremberg
internship in the departments audit and commercial clients
July – Aug. 2009
PricewaterhouseCoopers, Berlin
internship in the departments tax and financial services
May – Sept. 2008
Rödl & Partner, Nuremberg
internship and working student in the team for international taxation
Feb. – April 2007
DATEV eG, Nuremberg
internship in the subsidiary controlling department
May – June 2003
Lufthansa AG, New York (United States of Amerika)
VIP Dinner Service at the John F. Kennedy Airport