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Frequently Asked Questions

Presently, the DPBR does not offer a fast track PhD program that commences after your BA graduation.

In order to enroll in the DPBR, you need to apply for your admission as a PhD student with the PhD Committee (Promotionsausschuss). Given that you need to present your MA or Diplom certificate for that, you need to have your certificates ready and your studies completed.

Yes, you should definitely have discussed your PhD project with a main supervisor and ideally two further supervisors. They all need to agree on supervising your work as part of the Supervisory Team (Betreuungsteam) and confirm their consent in written form as part of the Supervisory Agreement (Betreuungsvereinbarung). This document is a required part of your application.

DPBR does not charge any tuition fees currently. However, for membership in our program, you are required to enrol with the university as a PhD student of the Dahlem Research School with the Enrolment Office (Immatrikulationsbüro). This process requires a fee (currently approx. €280 per semester). In order to receive a cost allowance for participation in conferences or external educational offers within the DPBR, please send us the filled out application form.

You are welcome to send us all documents in either digital form or hard copy. However, the supervisory agreement (Betreuungsvereinbarung) must be signed as a hard copy or scanned document.

A test or certification test of your English language skills is currently not a requirement for admission to the DPBR. However, we highly recommend sufficient knowledge of the English language for a successful PhD development.

The DPBR does not have funds to offer any scholarships or stipends.

The first step is to be accepted as PhD student at the School of Business & Economics. Applications are invited at any time. Please have a look at our admission process here. If you have any further questions, please contact us.

You can apply for travel funding for participating in external methods seminars, summer schools, conferences etc. For travel grant applications, please send us the filled out application form.

Every PhD is individual and must always be tailored to satisfy the needs of PhD candidates as much as possible. Generalisations can thus only be made to a limited degree. For gaining some guidance on potential ways to organise your PhD development, please have a look at our program structure page.

The DPBR does not accept applications directly from students, who have not been accepted by a professor from our school as their PhD project supervisor and being formally registered for PhD studies (“Zulassung zur Promotion”) at the FU Berlin.

Yes, we welcome external PhD students to participate in individual modules. Please contact us by email with regard to availability.

Yes, you can gain credits for external course offers as long as they have PhD level. Members are encouraged to approach their supervisory team and jointly select courses that are relevant for their dissertation project. Credits can be awarded on the basis of the course's duration, level, examinations (if any) and recommendation of the main supervisor.

English is one of the most important languages for working in academia while German is the dominant language of teaching and research at most German universities. The courses offered as part of the DPBR are mainly held in English.

Please have a look at our modules page. We are constantly updating our module offers. Please check back from time to time.

The decision is made very quickly after you hand in your application so that you can commence your membership in the DPBR and participate in courses already starting in the respective semester.

In order to have your external courses credited for the DPBR, please send us the filled out credit application form and relevant documentation of your modules as copies. We will keep a record of this information.

The DPBR is open to all doctoral candidates of the School of Business & Economics. If you are a research assistant (Wissenschaftliche_r Mitarbeiter_in) or externally funded through fellowships or other grants, you are eligible for membership.

The DPBR administration keeps a record of all your modules and credited external offers. The information will be used for producing a final "Transcript of Records" that you receive after dissertation defense.

We recommend you to discuss the composition of your Supervisory Team with your main supervisor. The team should consist of experts in your field, method and maybe empirical field. Typically, they will be professors from our School or other universities.

Yes, students who completed the DPBR program will receive a certificate of successful participation as well as a transcript on which all attended courses are registered.

If you have any questions that have not been answered above, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Dahlem Research School