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Permanent Poster Session in the Lecture Hall Tract (Garystr. 21)

Hörsaaltrakt Garystr. 21

Hörsaaltrakt Garystr. 21

Permanente Poster-Session

Permanente Poster-Session

Scholars and researchers from the School of Business and Economics are invited to present their research in the form of scholarly posters.

The school’s aim in organizing this exhibition, which is featured in the lecture hall tract at Gary Street 21, is to let students and visitors know about selected research work. To this end, interchangeable frames have been installed for the placement of posters. We invite all scholars and researchers at the School of Business and Economics to submit an application to feature a poster in one of these spots. Accepted posters will be on display in the lecture hall tract for at least two semesters, when they will be replaced on a rotating basis.

If you are interested in presenting your research work in this way, please contact the following:

Guido Neidhöfer
Boltzmannstr. 20 (Raum K28)
Tel. +49 (0) 30 838 57962
Email: guido.neidhoefer@fu-berlin.de

Wir freuen uns über Ihre Beiträge!

Nachfolgend haben wir folgende Vorlagen und Materialien zusammengestellt:

Vorlage (Power Point)  Vorlage (PDF)
Beispielhafte Vorlagen

Beispiel 1

 Beispiel 2  Beispiel 3 Beispiel 4 Beispiel 5
Aktuelle Poster
Assessing the Anchoring of Inflation Expectations
Mobility of Top Incomes in Germany
Lifetime Earnings Inequality in Germany

Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Vorlagen der CEDIS für wissenschaftliche Plakate in A0, an denen Sie sich auch orientieren können: http://www.fu-berlin.de/sites/cd/print/plakat/index.html.