Bachelor Thesis
The bachelor thesis demonstrates that the student is able to work on a topic from the field of
of business administration or economics under supervision according to scientific methods
and to present and document the results appropriately in writing.
The topic of the thesis is of such a nature that the work can be completed within the
processing time (360 hours). Students are given the opportunity to propose their own topics.
There is no entitlement to their implementation.
Length: approx. 30 pages or 9,000 words.
The deadline for submission is 12 weeks for students of the study and examination
regulations of 19.04.2017.
For the registration of the Bachelor thesis, certain requirements must be fulfilled, which
are listed in the Study and Examination Regulations.
- Application deadlines:
Spring term: 15. April
Fall term: 15. October
- Application procedure:
Applications for the supervision of bachelor theses are to be submitted electronically to
the supervisor of the 1st priority and the study program coordinator
(1) short Bewerbungsschreiben via email
(2) fully completed Form with priorities for supervision.
(3) an up-to-date Transcript of Records.
Please note any special application modalities for your 1st priority.
Please apply exclusively to the 1st priority. The application will be forwarded to the next
priority in case of unavailability of supervision capacity at the previous priority.
A confirmation of supervision can be expected after 4 weeks at the latest.
As soon as the topic and the start of the thesis have been determined, you confirm with
a signature (at the very bottom of the form) and submit the registration immediately to
the examination office ( without delay.
Your work is only considered registered if you meet all requirements, see above.
Due to the high number of emails, you will not receive a confirmation of your registration
from the examination office.
You can see your deadline in Campus Management!
Services offered by the Library of the School of Business & Economics
Extension due to illness
Students who need an extension of time to complete their
Bachelor's thesis need to be aware of the following:
- An extension is only possible if the illness is proven with a
medical certificate from an official doctor. - Exception: The illness can be made credible in another way
(e.g. by a certificate of hospitalization). A simple medical
medical certificate is not sufficient. - The examination board will examine each case of illness individually.