Monographies and edited books
- Jackson, G. & Petraki, A. (2011) Understanding Short-termism: the Role of Corporate Governance. Stockholm: Glasshouse Forum.
- Jackson, G. (2010) Understanding Corporate Governance in the United States: An Historical and Theoretical Reassessment. Arbeitspapier, Unternehmensmitbestimmung und Unternehmenssteuerung, Nr. 223, Hans-Boeckler-Foundation, Düsseldorf, 2010.
- Jackson, G. & Filatotchev, I. (2009) Financing, Business Strategy, Corporate Governance and Growth of Medium-Sized Business: An Exploratory Comparison of the UK and Germany. Research Briefing, Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales.
- Strange, R. & Jackson, G. (eds.) (2008) Corporate Governance and International Business: Strategy, Performance and Institutional Change. Academy of International Business Series, Vol. 15, London: Palgrave Macmillan. (Co-edited with Roger Strange).
- Aoki, M. & Jackson, G. & Miyajima, H. (eds.) (2007) Corporate Governance in Japan: Institutional Change and Organizational Diversity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Filatotchev, I. & Gospel, H. & Jackson, G. & Allcock, D. (2007) Key Drivers of ‘Good’ Corporate Governance and the Appropriateness of Policy Responses in the UK. Report to the Department of Trade and Industry, 204 pages.
- Donnelly, S. & Gamble, A. & Jackson, G. & Parkinson, J. (2001) The public interest and the company in Germany and Britain. London: Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society, 2001.
Articles in refereed journals
- Deeg, R. & Jackson, G. (2012) The long-term trajectories of institutional change in European capitalism. Journal of European Public Policy, 19 (8): 1109-1125.
- Jackson, G. & Sorge, A. (2012) The trajectory of institutional change in Germany, 1979-2009. Journal of European Public Policy, 19 (8): 1146-1167.
- Aguilera, R. V. & Jackson, G. (2010) Comparative and International Corporate Governance. The Academy of Management Annals, 4 (1): 485-556.
- Jackson, G. & Apostolakou, A. (2010) Corporate Social Responsibility in Western Europe: CSR as an Institutional Mirror or a Substitute? Journal of Business Ethics, 94 (3): 371-394.
- Jackson, G. (2009) The Japanese Firm and its Diversity. Economy and Society, 38 (3): 605-628.
- Jackson, G. & Deeg, R. (2008) From comparing capitalisims to the politics of institutional change. Review of International Political Economy, 15(4): 680-709.
- Jackson, G. (2008) A New Financial Capitalism? Explaining the Persistence of Exit over Voice in Contemporary Corporate Governance. European Management Review, 5 (1): 23-26.
- Deeg, R. & Jackson, G. (2008) Comparing capitalisms: understanding institutional diversity and its implications for international business. Journal of International Business Studies, 39 (4): 540-561.
- Aguilera, R. & Filatotchev, I. & Gospel, H. & Jackson, G. (2008) An Organizational Approach to Comparative Corporate Governance: Costs, Contingencies and Complementarities. Organization Science, 19 (3): 475-492.
- Aoki, M. & Jackson, G. (2008) Understanding an emerging diversity of corporate governance and organizational architecture: an essentially-based analysis. Industrial and Corporate Change, 17 (1): 1-27.
- Deeg, R. & Jackson, G. (2007) Toward a more dynamic theory of capitalist variety. Socio-Economic Review, 5 (1): 149-179.
- Höpner, M. & Jackson, G. (2006) Revisiting the Mannesmann takeover: how markets for corporate control emerge. European Management Review, 3 (3): 142-155.
- Deeg, R. & Jackson, G. (2006) Comparing capitalisms: recent debates. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44 (3): 569-574.
- Jackson, G. & Sako, M. (2006) Strategy meets institutions: the transformation of management-labour relations at Deutsche Telekom and NTT. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 59 (3): 347-366.
- Jackson, G. (2006) Modeling complementarity: multiple functions and different levels. Socio-Economic Review, 3 (2): 378-381.
- Jackson, G. (2005) Employee representation in the board compared: a fuzzy-sets analysis of corporate governance, unionism and political institutions. Industrielle Beziehungen [The German Journal of Industrial Relations], 12 (3): 252-279.
- Jackson, G. & Moerke, A. (2005) Continuity and change in corporate governance: comparing Germany and Japan. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 13 (3): 351-361.
- Jackson, G. (2005) Stakeholders under pressure: corporate governance reform and labour management in Germany and Japan. Corporate Governance: An International Review, 13 (3): 419-428.
- Jackson, G. (2004) Cōporāto gabanansu to rōmu kanri no hikaku [Corporate governance and labour management: a comparative analysis. Nohon Rōdō Kenkyū Zasshi [The Japanese Journal of Labour Studies], 46 (6): 48-62.
- Aguilera, R. & Jackson, G. (2003) The cross-national diversity of corporate governance: dimensions and determinants. Academy of Management Review, 28 (3): 447-465.
- Jackson, G. & Höpner, M. (2002) The german system of corporate governance between persistence and convergence. Kölner Zeitschrift fűr Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 54 (2): 362-368.
- Jackson, G. (2002) Financial markets and corporation. New Political Economy, 7 (1): 121-123.
- Jackson, G. & Höpner, M. (2001) Entsteht ein Markt fűr Unternehmenskontrolle? Der Fall Mannesmann [An emerging market for corporate control? The case of Mannesmann takeover]. Leviathan, 29 (4): 544-563.
- Hoepner, M. & Jackson, G. (2001) An Emerging Market for Corporate Control? The Mannesmann Takeover and German Corporate Governance, MPIfG Discussion Paper 01 & 4, 2001, Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Societies: Köln.
- Jackson, G. (2000) La compétitivité et l’ égalitarisme allemands et japonais à l’épreuve [The internationalisation of german and japanese capitalism: A choice between competitiveness and equality?]. Critique Internationale, N & A (8): 133-147.
Chapters in edited books
- Jackson, Gregory & Rathert, Nikolas (2017) Private Governance as Regulatory Substitute or Complement? A Comparative Institutional Theory of CSR Adoption by Multinational Corporations. In Dörrenbächer, Christoph & Geppert, Mike (eds.) Research in the Sociology of Organizations: Multinational Corporations and Organization Theory. Emerald: 445-478.
- Jackson, G. & Ni, N. (2013) Understanding Complementarities as Organizational Configurations: Using Set Theoretical Methods. In: Fiss, P. C. & Cambré, B. & Marx, A. (eds.) Configurational Theory and Methods in Organizational Research (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 38). Emerald.
- Jackson, G. & Petraki, A. (2011) How Does Corporate Governance Lead to Short-Termism? In: Vitols, S. & Kluge, N. ( eds.) The Sustainable Company: A New Approach to Corporate Governance. Brussels: ETUI.
- Jackson, G. (2010) Actors and Institutions. In: Morgan, G. & Campbell, J. & Crouch, C. & Pedersen, O. K. & Whitley, R. ( eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Institutional Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Jackson, G. & Blair, M. & Fitoussi, J.-P. & Solow, R. (2009) Shareholder rights in European corporations: impact on economic performance. In: Touffut, J.-P. (Ed) Does Company Ownership Matter? Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Jackson, G. & Strange, R. (2008) Why does corporate governance matter for international business? In: Strange, R. & Jackson, G. ( eds.) Corporate Governance and International Business: Strategy, Performance and Institutional Change. Academy of International Business Series. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Jackson, G. & Hyman, R. & Lane, C. & Sako, M. (2008) Dialogue on comparative institutional analysis and international business. In: Strange, R. & Jackson, G ( eds.) Corporate Governance and International Business: Strategy, Performance and Institutional Change. Academy of International Business Series. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Jackson, G. & Miyajima, H. (2008) A comparison of mergers and acquisitions in Japan, Europe, and the United States. In: Strange, R. & Jackson, G. ( eds.) Corporate Governance and International Business: Strategy, Performance and Institutional Change. Academy of International Business Series. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Jackson, G. & Miyajima, H. (2007) Introduction, diversity and change of corporate governance in Japan. In: Aoki, M. & Jackson, G. & Mijajima, H. ( eds.) Corporate Governance in Japan: Institutional Change and Organisational Diversity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Jackson, G. (2007) Employment adjustment and distributional conflict in Japanese firms. In: Aoki, M. & Jackson, G. & Mijajima, H. ( eds.) Corporate Governance in Japan: Institutional Change and Organisational Diversity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Jackson, G. & Gospel, H. (2006) Corporate governance and employee voice: an EU perspective. In: Percussion, B. (Ed) Paths to Progress: Mapping Innovation on Information, Consultation and Participation for Employee Involvement in Corporate Governance. Brussels: Social Development Agency.
- Jackson, G. (2006) Comparing capitalisms through the lens of classical sociological theory. In: Beckert, J. & Ebbinghaus, B. & Hassel, A. & Manow, P. ( eds.) Transformation des Kapitalismus. Frankfurt & New York: Campus.
- Jackson, G. (2005) Reforming stakeholder models: Germany and Japan compared. Corporate Governance, Human Resource Management and Firm Performance, Department of Trade and Industry, Economics Working Paper, 13.
- Jackson, G. (2005) Contested boundaries: ambiguity and creativity In the evolution of german codetermination. In: Streeck, W. & Thelen, K. ( eds.) Beyond Continuity: Explorations in the Dynamics of Advanced Political Economies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Jackson, G. (2005) Toward comparative perspective on corporate governance and labour management: enterprise coalitions and national trajectories. In: Gospel, H. & Pendleton, A. ( eds.) Corporate Governance and Labour Management: An International Comparison. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Jackson, G. & Höpner, M. & Kurdelbusch, A. (2004) Corporate governance and Employees in Germany: changing linkages, complementaries and tensions. In: Gospel, H. & Pendleton, A. ( eds.) Corporate Governance and Labour Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Jackson, G. (2003) Corporate Governance in germany and japan: liberalization pressures and responses. In: Yamamura, K. & Streeck, W. ( eds.) The End of Diversity? Prospects for German and Japanese Capitalism. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
- Jackson, G. & Höpner, M. (2002) Entsteht ein Markt fűr Unternehmenskontrolle? Der Fall Mannesmann. In: Höpner, M. & Streeck, W. ( eds.) Alle Macht dem Markt? Fallstudien zur Abwicklung der Deutschland AG. Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag.
- Jackson, G. (2002) Corporate Governance im Vergleich: Eine methodische Betrachtung zu Japan und Deutschland, [comparative corporate governance: a methodological perspective on the cases of japan and germany. In: Seifert, W. & Weber, C. ( eds.) Japan im Vergleich. München: Iudicum Verlag.
- Jackson, G. (2001) The origins of nonliberal corporate governance in germany and japan. In: Streeck, W. & Yamamura, K. ( eds.) The Origins of Nonliberal Capitalism: German and Japan. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
- Jackson, G. (2001) Between financial commitment, market liquidity and corporate governance: occupational pensions in britain, germany, japan, and the USA. In: Ebbinghaus, B. & Manow, P. ( eds.) Comparing Welfare Capitalism: Social Policy and Political Economy in Europe, Japan and USA. London: Routledge.