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Analytically Speaking – Featuring Ulrich Rendtel

News vom 30.05.2017

Analytically Speaking – Featuring Ulrich Rendtel

Webcast Premiere

A paradigm shift for accessing data

Ulrich Rendtel is a Professor of Applied Statistics in the School of Business and Economics at Freie Universität Berlin with a particular interest in official statistics and econometrics. As an active member of the German Council of Social and Economic Data and a consultant on the 2011 German census, Rendtel says the treatment of confidentiality in official statistics is worst-case thinking. It keeps scientists and researcher from being able to make discoveries and creates inefficiencies. He also advocates for interactive software for learning statistics and keeping an open mind to the perspektives of both statistics and machine learning communites.

This webcast covers:

  • Reactions to the title “data scientist”.
  • Finding the right software for teaching undergraduate statistics.
  • How graphics can support – or discredit – a theory.
  • The benefits of playing with your data.
  • Why statisticians are not highly regarded around the world.

You can find the webcast here:

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Graduate Center of DIW Berlin
Joint Master's Program in Statistics