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Schmidtke, Julia; Hetschko, Clemens; Schöb, Ronnie; Stephan, Gesine; Lawes, Mario (2023): "Does Worker Well-Being Adapt to a Pandemic? An Event Study Based on High-Frequency Panel Data", The Review of Income and Wealth (forthcoming)

Lawes, Mario; Hetschko, Clemens; Schöb, Ronnie; Stephan, Gesine; Eid, Michael (2023): "The Impact of Unemployment on Cognitive, Affective and Eudaimonic Well-Being Facets: Investigating Immediate Effects and Short-Term Adaptation", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 124 (4). pp. 659-681


Aronsson, Thomas; Schöb, Ronnie (2022): "Habit Formation and the Pareto-Efficient Provision of Public Goods", erscheint in Social Choice and Welfare 2022 [Discussion Paper: Umeå Economic Studies No. 944, März 2017].

Lawes, Mario; Hetschko, Clemens; Schöb, Ronnie; Stephan, Gesine; Eid, Michael (2022): "Unemployment and hair cortisol as a biomarker of chronic stress", Scientific Reports volume 12 Article number: 21573 (2022)

Schöb, Ronnie (2022): "Solidarische Grundischerung: Ein Reformvorschlag für die Ampel", Zeitschrift für Politik 69(1), S. 113-130.

Eid, Michael; Hetschko, Clemens; Lawes, Mario; Schöb, Ronnie; Stephan, Gesine: "The Impact of Unemployment on Cognitive, Affective and Eudaimonic Well-Being Facets: Investigating Immediate Effects and Short-Term Adaptation", erscheint in: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: Personality Processes and Individual Differences 2022

Schöb, Ronnie (2022): "Die deutsche Grundsicherung auf dem Prüfstand", WiSt 51(1), S. 24-30.


Hetschko, Clemens; Knabe, Andreas; Schöb, Ronnie (2021): "Happiness, Work, and Identity",  in: Klaus F. Zimmermann (Hrsg.), Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Springer 2021, 1-26 (available online)

Schöb, Ronnie (2021): "Labor market policies, unemployment, and identity", IZA World of Labor, online first: doi 10.15185/izawol.270.v2.


Hetschko, Clemens, Wolf, Tobias und Schöb, Ronnie (2020): "Income Support, Employment Transitions and Well-Being"Labour Economics 66.2020.

Schöb, Ronnie (2020): "Eine neue solidarische Grundsicheung", Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 21.2020, S. 162–184.

Knabe, Andreas, Schöb, Ronnie, Thum, Marcel (2020): "Prognosen und empirische Befunde: Wie groß ist die Kluft beim Mindestlohn wirklich?", Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 21.2020, S. 25–29.


Hetschko, Clemens, Knabe, Andreas, Schöb, Ronnie (2019): "Looking Back in Anger? Retirement and Unemployment Scarring", Demography, 56.2019, S. 1105–1129.

Hetschko, Clemens und Malte Preuß (2019): "Income in Jeopardy: How Losing Employment Affects the Willingness to Take Risks", Journal of Economic Psychology, online first, 01.06.2019.

Hetschko, Clemens, Ronnie, Schöb und von Reumont, Louisa (2019): "Embedding as a Pitfall for Survey-Based Welfare Indicators: Evidence from an Experiment", Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 182(2),S. 517–539, 2019.

Hetschko, Clemens, Ronnie Schöb und Knabe, Andreas (2019):"Looking Back in Anger? Retirement and Unemployment Scarring"Demography, 56(3), S. 1105-1129, 2019.


Preuß, Malte, Caliendo, Marco, Fedorets, Alexandra, Schröder, Carsten and Linda Wittbrodt (2019): "The Short-Run Employment Effects of the German Minimum Wage Reform", Labour Economics, 53, p. 46-62, 2018.

Preuß, Malte and Juliane Hennecke (2018): "Biased by Success and Failure: How Unemployment Shapes Stated Locus of Control", Labour Economics, 53, p. 63-74, 2018.

Schöb, Ronnie and Thomas Aronsson (2018): "Climate Change and Psychological Adaptation: A Behavioral Environmental Economics Approach", Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 74, p. 79-84, 2018.

Saha, David and Ronnie Schöb (2018): "Unemployment Insurance in Unionized Labor Markets: Neither Gent nor Centralized", Empirica, 49(2), p. 305–326 , 2018.

Chadi, Adrian and Clemens Hetschko (2018): "The Magic of the New: How Job Changes Affect Job Satisfaction“, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 27(1), p. 23-39, 2018.


Hetschko, Clemens and Ronnie Schöb (2017): "Modes of Employment and Identity", Die Unternehmung. Swiss Journal of Business Research and Practice, 71(4), p. 368-389.

Nachtigall, Daniel (2017): "Ayres, Robert: Energy, complexity and wealth maximization", Journal of Economics, p.1-3, 121(2), p. 193–195, 2017.

Knabe, Andreas, Schöb, Ronnie and Joachim Weimann (2017): "The Subjective Well-being of Workfare Participants: Insights from a Day Reconstruction Survey", Applied Economics, 49(13), p.1311-1325, 2017.


Knabe, Andreas, Ronnie Schöb und Joachim Weinmann (2016): "Partnership, Gender, and the Well-Being Cost of Unemployment", Social Indicators Research, 129(3), p. 1255-1275.

Aronsson, Thomas and Ronnie Schöb (2016): "Adaptation, Anticipation-Bias and Optimal Income Taxation", Journal of Public Economic Theory, 19(3), p. 713-731, 2016.

Hetschko, Clemens (2016): "On the Misery of Losing Self-employment", Small Business Economics 47(2), pp. 461–478.

Nachtigall, Daniel and Dirk Rübbelke (2016): "The Green Paradox and Learning-by-Doing in the Renewable Energy Sector", Resource and Energy Economics 43, pp. 74-92.

Chadi, Adrian and Clemens Hetschko (2016): "Flexibilization without hesitation? Temporary contracts and job satisfaction", Oxford Economic Papers 68(1), pp. 217-237.


Knabe, Andreas, Ronnie Schöb and Joachim Weimann (2015): "Partnership, Gender and the Well-Being Cost of Unemployment", Social Indicators Research, online first, doi: 10.1007/s11205-015-1167-3.

Weimann, Joachim, Andreas Knabe and Ronnie Schöb (2015): Measuring Happiness: The Economics of Well-Being, MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass. 

Schöb, Ronnie (2015): "Politik nach Zahlen: Der Einfluss alternativer Wohlstandsindikatoren auf die Wirtschaftspolitik", in: M. Held, G. Kubon-Gilke und R. Sturn (Hrsg.): Normative und institutionelle Grundfragen der Ökonomik Jahrbuch 14: Reformen und ihre politisch-ökonomischen Fallstricke, Metropolis: Marburg 2015, pp. 83-105.



Schöb, Ronnie (2015): "Die Zukunft des Mindestlohns", in: WiSt 43.2014, S. 571.

Skupnik, Christoph (2014): "EU enlargement and the race to the bottom of welfare states", IZA Journal of Migration 3:15, pp. 1-21.

Knabe, Andreas, Ronnie Schöb and Marcel Thum (2014): "Der flächendeckende Mindestlohn", Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 15(2), pp. 133-157.

Knabe, Andreas, Ronnie Schöb and Marcel Thum (2014): "Der flächendeckende Mindestlohn – Replik zu den Anmerkungen von Wolfram Richter", Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 15(2), pp. 331-333 (The statutory minimum wage – response to the comments by Wolfram Richter).

Hetschko, Clemens, Andreas Knabe and Ronnie Schöb (2014): "Changing identity: retiring from unemployment", Economic Journal 124(575) pp. 149-166.



Knabe, Andreas and Ronnie Schöb (2013): "Subsidizing extra jobs: promoting employment by taming the unions", Oxford Economic Papers 65(4), pp. 807-831.

Konrad, Kai, Ronnie Schöb, Marcel Thum and Alfons Weichenrieder (eds.) (2013): Die Zukunft der Wohlfahrtsgesellschaft. Festschrift für Hans-Werner Sinn, Campus: Frankfurt, New York, 2013.

Schöb, Ronnie and Marcel Thum (2013): "Ein Mindestlohn für Deutschland", in: K. Konrad, R. Schöb, M. Thum und A. Weichenrieder (eds.): Die Zukunft der Wohlfahrtsgesellschaft. Festschrift für Hans-Werner Sinn, Campus: Frankfurt, New York, 2013, pp. 193-213.

Schöb, Ronnie (2013) "Unemployment and Identity"CESifo Economic Studies 59, pp. 149-180.

Hetschko, Clemens und Andreas Knabe (2013): „Macht Arbeit glücklich?", in: K. F. Zimmermann & H. Hinte (Hrsg.): Zeitenwende am Arbeitsmarkt – Wie der demographische Wandel die Erwerbsgesellschaft verändert, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung: Bonn 2013, pp. 428-450.



Hetschko, Clemens und Marius Thye (2012) Die Bereinigung um finanzielle Transaktionen – Achillesferse der deutschen Schuldenbremse", Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt, 12/2012, pp. 743-747.

Weimann, Joachim, Ronnie Schöb and Andreas Knabe (2012) "Die Vermessung des Glücks", Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Dezember 2012, pp. 76-80.

Hetschko, Clemens (2012) Die Konjunkturbereinigung in den Ländern im Rahmen der Schuldenbremse, in: C. Hetschko, J. Pinkl, H. Pünder & M. Thye (Hrsg.): Staatsverschuldung in Deutschland nach der Föderalismusreform II – eine Zwischenbilanz, Bucerius Law School Press: Hamburg 2012, pp. 61-73.

Knabe, Andreas und Ronnie Schöb (2012): "Subsidizing extra jobs: promoting employment by taming the unions", Oxford Economic Papers 65, pp. 807-831.

Koskela,  Erkki and Ronnie Schöb (2012) : "Tax Progression under Collective Bargaining and Individual Effort Determination", Industrial Relations 51(3), pp. 749-771.

König, Jan and Erkki Koskela (2012): "Profit Sharing and Outsourcing under Labor Market Imperfection", Rewiew of International Economics 20 (1), pp. 18-28.



Knabe, Andreas and Ronnie Schöb (2011): “Minimum wages and their alternatices: A critical assessment", German Politics 20(4), 2011, pp. 506-526.

Rocha-Akis, Silvia and Ronnie Schöb (2011): "Welfare policy in the presence of unionized labour and internationally mobile firms", Scandinavian Journal of Economics 113.2011, pp. 93-119.

König, Jan and Erkki Koskela (2011): "Does International Outsourcing Really Lower Workers' Income?", Journal of Labor Research 32(1), pp. 21-38.



Knabe, Andreas, Steffen Rätzel, Ronnie Schöb and Joachim Weimann (2010): "Dissatisfied with Life, but Having a Good Day: Time-Use and Well-Being of the Unemployed", Economic Journal 120(547), pp. 867-889, [CESifo Working Paper No. 2604, April 2009].

Brosig, Jeannette, Timo Heinrich, Thomas Riechmann, Ronnie Schöb and Joachim Weimann (2010): "Laying off or not? The influence of framing and ecoomics education", International Review of Economics Education 9.2010, pp. 44-54, [early version: A Sceptic Comment on “A Sceptic’s Comment on the Study of Economics”, Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg, FEMM Discussion Paper Nr. 15/07, Juni 2007].

Schöb, Ronnie (2010): "Climate Policy: Reaping an additional employment dividend", Public Finance and Management 9.2010, pp. 251-283, [early version: Climate Policy. Choosing the Right Instrument to Reap an Additional Employment Dividend, School of Business & Economics Discussion Paper Nr. 2009/10, Juni.]

Koskela, Erkki and Ronnie Schöb (2010): "Outsourcing of Unionized Firms and the Impact of Labor Market Policy Reforms", Review of International Economics 18(4), pp. 682-695.




Knabe, Andreas and Ronnie Schöb (2009): "Minimum wage incidence: The case for Germany", FinanzArchiv/Public Finance Analysis 65(4), pp. 403-441(39), [CESifo Working Paper No. 2432, Oktober 2008].

Koskela, Erkki and Ronnie Schöb (2009): "Is Tax Progression Good for Employment? Efficiency Wages and the Role of the Pre-Reform Tax Structure",  FinanzArchiv 65, pp. 51-72.

Koskela, Erkki and Ronnie Schöb (2009): "Internal versus External Reference in Efficiency Wage Models Reconsidered", Journal of Economics 96, pp. 79-96.




Schöb, Ronnie and Andreas Knabe (2008): "Durch höhere Löhne weniger Armut? Zum Zusammenspiel von Grundsicherung und Mindestlöhnen", Wirtschaftsdienst 88(7), pp. 433-437.

Schöb, Ronnie, Janette Brosig, Timo Heinrich, Thomas Riechmann and Joachim Weimann (2008): "Was macht Ökonomen „anders“? Wirkungen der Ökonomieausbildung in Magdeburg und Köln", in: Horst Gischer et al. (Hrsg.): Transformation in der Ökonomie – Festschrift für Gerhard Schwödiauer zum 65. Geburtstag, Gabler Edition Wissenschaft, Wiesbaden, pp. 201-217.



Schöb, Ronnie and Joachim Weimann (2007): "Die Magdeburger Alternative: Lohnende Arbeit bezahlbar machen", Ifo-Schnelldienst 60(4), pp. 42-45.

Schöb, Ronnie and David Wildasin (2007): "Economic Integration and Labor Market Institutions: Worker Mobility, Earning Risks, and Contract Structure", Regional Science and Urban Economics 37(2), pp. 141-164.



Schöb, Ronnie and Joachim Weimann (2006): Arbeit ist machbar - Die Magdeburger Alternative: Eine sanfte Therapie für Deutschland, Janos Stekovics Verlag: Dößel, 5. Auflage.

Knabe, Andreas, Ronnie Schöb and Joachim Weimann (2006): "Marginal Employment Subsidization: A New Concept and a Reappraisal", Kyklos 59(4), pp. 557–577.

Knabe, Andreas, Ronnie Schöb and Joachim Weimann (2006): "Die Reform der Reform: Ist Hartz IV ein Kombilohnmodell?", Wirtschaftsdienst 86(7), pp. 438-440.

Schöb, Ronnie and Joachim Weimann (2006): "Kombilohn und Mindestlohn: Das kleine Steuerüberwälzungseinmaleins", Wirtschaftsdienst 86(2), pp. 102-104.

Schöb, Ronnie and Joachim Weimann (2006): "Beschäftigung und Lohnnebenkosten", in: T. Dückert, P. Siller und A. Baumann (Hrsg.): Arbeit der Zukunft. Neue Wege einer gerechten und emanzipativen Arbeitspolitik, Nomos: Baden-Baden 2006, pp. 113-126.

Schöb, Ronnie (2006): "Ökologische Steuerreform und doppelte Dividende", in: W. Franz, H. J. Ramser und M. Stadler, (Hrsg.): Umwelt und Energie. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Seminar Ottobeuren, Band 35, Mohr Siebeck: Tübingen, 2006, pp. 47-70.


Arnott, Richard, Tilmann Rave and Ronnie Schöb (2005): Alleviation Urban Traffic Congestion, MIT Press: Cambridge, Mass.

Koskela, Erkki and Ronnie Schöb (2005): "Optimal Capital Taxation in Economies with Unionised and Competitive Labour Markets", Oxford Economic Papers 57, pp. 717-731.

Schöb, Ronnie (2005): "The Double Dividend Hypothesis of Environmental Taxes: A Survey", in Henk Folmer and Tom Tietenberg (eds.): The International Yearbook Of Environmental And Resource Economics 2005/2006, Edgar Elgar: Cheltenham, pp. 223-279.

Schöb, Ronnie (2005): "Maut und Roadpricing", in: G. Wäscher et al. (publisher): Intelligente Logistikkonzepte: Konzepte, Lösungen, Erfahrungen, Begleitband zur 11. Magdeburger Logistiktagung „Logistik aus technischer und ökonomischer Sicht" Logisch: Magdeburg, 2005, 12-23.

Schöb, Ronnie (2005): "The multi-mode ticket: Reducing urban traffic congestion in medium-sized towns", CESifo DICE Report 3/2005, 28-33.



Schöb, Ronnie and Joachim Weimann (2004): Arbeit ist machbar – Die neue Beschäftigungsformel, Janos Stekovics Verlag: Dößel, 3. ed.: June 2004 (The New Labor Formula).

Schöb, Ronnie and Joachim Weimann (2004): "Was bringt die Flexibilisierung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt?", Wirtschaftsdienst 84(9), pp. 565-567.

Berger, Helge, Carsten Hefeker and Ronnie Schöb (2004): "Optimal Central Bank Conservatism and Monopoly Trade Unions", IMF Staff Papers 51(3), pp. 585-605.



Schöb, Ronnie and Joachim Weimann (2003): "Kombilohn: Die Magdeburger Alternative", Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 4, pp. 1-16.

Schöb, Ronnie and Joachim Weimann (2003): "Mehr Arbeit durch die Zusammenlegung von Arbeitslosen- und Sozialhilfe?", Wirtschaftsdienst 5, pp. 303-306.



Koskela, Erkki and Ronnie Schöb (2002): "Optimal Factor Income Taxation in the Presence of Unemployment", Journal of Public Economic Theory 4, pp. 387-404.

Koskela, Erkki and Ronnie Schöb (2002): "Why Governments Should Tax Mobile Capital in the Presence of Unemployment", Contributions in Economic Analysis & Policy 1, Article 1.

Schöb, Ronnie (2002): "Public Profit Sharing", Kyklos 55, pp. 523-542.

Schöb, Ronnie (2002): "Kommunale Beschäftigungsgesellschaften: Nur noch eine Nachbetrachtung?", ifo Schnelldienst 4/2002, pp. 19-25.



Koskela, Erkki, Ronnie Schöb and Hans-Werner Sinn (2001): "Green Tax Reform and Competitiveness", German Economic Review 2, pp. 19-30.

Schöb, Ronnie (2001): "Durch staatliche Gewinnbeteiligung zu mehr Beschäftigung", ifo Schnelldienst 21/2001, pp. 11-17.

Schöb, Ronnie (2001): Comment on: The Kyoto Protocol: "Domestic Policy Impacts and International Spill-Overs by Christoph Böringer and Thomas F. Rutherford", Paul J. J. Welfens (Hrsg.): Internationalization of the Economy: Environmental Problems and New Policy Options, Springer: New York, pp. 181-189.



Schöb, Ronnie (2000): Steuerreform und Gewinnbeteiligung: Neue Wege aus der Beschäftigungskrise, Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck).

Schöb, Ronnie and Holger Feist (2000): "Hilfe zur Arbeit - Lehren aus dem Leipziger Modell", Wirtschaftsdienst 80, pp. 159-166.



Amundsen, Eirik S.. and Ronnie Schöb (1999): "Environmental Taxes on Exhaustible Resources", European Journal of Political Economy 15, pp. 311-329.

Koskela, Erkki and Ronnie Schöb (1999): "Does the Composition of Wage And Payroll Taxes Matter under Nash Bargaining", Economics Letters 63, pp. 343-349.

Koskela, Erkki and Ronnie Schöb (1999): "Alleviating Unemployment: The Case for Green Tax Reforms", European Economic Review 43, 1723-1746 [Reprint: L. H. Goulder (Ed., 2002): Environmental Policy Making in Economies with Prior Tax Distortions, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, pp. 355-378.

Koskela, Erkki, Ronnie Schöb and Hans-Werner Sinn (1999): "Pollution, Factor Taxation and Unemployment", International Tax and Public Finance 5, pp. 379-396.

Koskela, Erkki, Ronnie Schöb and Hans-Werner Sinn (1999): "Green Tax Reform, Structural Unemployment and Welfare", Howard Chernick (ed.): Proceedings of the 91st Annual Conference on Taxation, Washington D.C., pp. 52-56.

Pirttilä, Jukka and Ronnie Schöb (1999): "Redistribution and Internalization: The Many-Person Ramsey Tax Rule Revisited", Public Finance Review 27, pp. 541-560.

Schöb, Ronnie and Jakob von Weizsäcker (1999): "Einheitliche Ökosteuer: Anmerkungen zum Gesetz zum Einstieg in die ökologische Steuerreform", Kommune 17, pp. 15-18.



Feist, Holger and Ronnie Schöb (1998): "Workfare in Germany and the Problem of Vertical Fiscal Externalities", Finanzarchiv 55, pp. 461-480.



Schöb, Ronnie (1997): "Ecological Tax Reforms and the Environment: A Note", Bulletin of Economic Research 50, pp. 83-89.



Orosel, Gerhard O. and Ronnie Schöb (1996): "Internalizing Externalities in Second-Best Tax Systems", Public Finance 51, pp. 242-257.

Schöb, Ronnie (1996): "Environmental Taxes and Pre-Existing Distortions: The Normalization Trap", International Tax and Public Finance 4, 167-176. [Reprint: Lawrence Goulder (Ed. 2002): Environmental Policy Making in Economies with Prior Tax Distortions, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, pp. 184-193].

Schöb, Ronnie (1996): "Evaluating Tax Reforms in the Presence of Externalities", Oxford Economic Papers 48, pp. 537-555.

Schöb, Ronnie (1996): "Choosing the Right Instrument: The Role of Public Revenues for Environmental Policy", Environmental and Resource Economics 8, pp. 399-416.

Schöb, Ronnie (1996): "Kreditrationierung und Treuhandpolitik", Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik 215, pp. 143-156.

Schöb, Ronnie (1996): "On the Efficiency of Green Tax Reforms to Reduce CO2 Emissions", Ekko van Ierland and Kazimierz Gorka (Hrsg.): The Economics of Atmospheric Pollution: Theories, Models and Applications to Central and Eastern Europe, Springer: New York, pp. 165-183.



Schöb, Ronnie (1995): Ökologische Steuersysteme, Frankfurt, New York: Campus, (Ph.D. Thesis).

Schöb, Ronnie (1995): "Zur Bedeutung des Ökosteueraufkommens: Die Double-Dividend Hypothese", Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften 115, pp. 93-117.



Konrad, Kai, Trond Olsen and Ronnie Schöb (1994): "Resource Extraction and the Threat of Possible Expropriation: The Role of Swiss Bank Accounts", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 26, pp. 149-162.

Schöb, Ronnie (1994): "On Marginal Cost and Benefit of Public Funds", Public Finance 49, 87-106 [Reprint: John Creedy (1999): Economic Welfare: Concepts and Measurement Vol. II, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics 107, Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, pp. 113-132].



Schöb, Ronnie, Marcel Thum and Alfons Weichenrieder (1992): "Sozialpakt für den Aufschwung. Ein Modell für Ostdeutschland", WIST 21, pp. 191-196.



Panther, Stephan and Ronnie Schöb (1991): "Effizienzaspekte der Aufkommensverwendung bei Ökosteuern", Jürgen Wahl (Hrsg.): Steuerpolitik vor neuen Aufgaben, transfer: Regensburg, pp. 165-183.



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