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Studying Abroad

Students who are interested in studying abroad should start planning at an early stage and
planning early on and find out about subject and language requirements as well as
application and funding opportunities.

Information and counseling
is offered by the International Office of the School of Business & Economics

Recognition of academic achievements abroad
In principle, it is possible to recognize credits earned abroad.
Please clarify the creditability with the program coordinator prior to your semester abroad.
(Prof. Dr. Jörg Sydow, Email: studienkoord-bwl@fu-berlin.de).
Please present the Transcript of Records for the crediting process. 
Scope of examination achievements that can be credited from abroad
Decision of the examination board: Recognition of examination achievements:

"Before enrolling in the School of Business & Economics, but within the first year of study at the latest, students should clarify whether credits earned prior to their studies can be recognized and, if so, contact the study program representatives.
The study program coordinators are also responsible for the recognition of examinations taken outside the School of Business & Economics during the course of study. Work performed outside the FU Berlin (before and during studies) is recognized up to a maximum of 80 credits. The reason for this is that a substantial part of the studies should be completed at the FU.  The examination board decides on the recognition of internal examinations."
(according to the minutes of the examination board meeting of 15.02.2007)
Prof. Dr. Jochen Hundsdoerfer

Grade conversion
Foreign grades are translated into the German grading system according to a grade conversion table decided by the examination board of the school. 
Information on grade conversion can be obtained from the International Office of the FB.