School of Business & Economics
Department Business Information Systems
- Prof. Dr. Bastian Amberg
- Prof. Dr. Daniel Fürstenau
- Prof. Dr. Martin Gersch
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Haehling von Lanzenauer
- Florian Hauck
- Prof. Dr. Natalia Kliewer
- Prof. Dr. Christian Meske
- David Rößler
- Prof. Dr. Hannes Rothe
- Matthias Schulte-Althoff
- Lars Stegemann
- Prof. Dr. Janina Sundermeier
- Lena Wolbeck
FACTS (Finance, Accounting & Taxation) Department
Management Department
Marketing Department
Institute of Economics
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Institute of Computer Science
- Prof. Dr. Margarita Esponda-Argüero
- PD Dr. Klaus Kriegel
- Nicolas Lehmann
- Barry Linnert
- Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Mulzer
- Prof. Dr. Adrian Paschke
- Prof. Dr. Lutz Prechelt
- Prof. Dr. Raúl Rojas
- Prof. Dr. Günter Rote
- Prof. Dr. Volker Roth
- Prof. Dr. Agnès Voisard
- Max Willert