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Courses in the field of General Professional Preparation (GPP)

Our course portfolio is settled in the competence area "Organization und Management" in the context of General Professional Preparation (GPP).

Course Overview

The portfolio of Prof. Gersch's chair comprises six courses with differing focuses.

Entry requirements

"E-Business (GPP)" and "Net Economy - Case Study in the International Learning Network (GPP)" are concecutive modules and therefore cannot be attended without having previously completed one of the basic modules (Principles of Business Administration / Marketing). Details can be found on the Entry Requirements page. 

Possible combinations

Bachelor students at the FU Berlin may earn up to 15 credit points in the GPP competence area "Organization and Management". However, please take note of the entry requirements for the modules "E-Business" and "Net Economy - Case Study in the International Learning Network".

"Net Economy" participation certificate

After successfully participating in the entire course program (one of the two basic courses as well as both "E-Business" and "Case Study" courses) you will receive a "Net Economy" certificate to attest your participation as well as your personal results.

Course Plan

The green table provides an overview of courses offered by our chair in the coming semesters, which you can enroll in for the focus area "Organization and Management" for the GPP of your non-economic course of studies.
Additionally, you can participate at the Profund courses (red table).

Course offer GPP* competence area "Organization & Management"

WS 24/25

SS 25

Principles of Business Administration (GPP) X  
E-Business (GPP) X  
Net Economy - Case Study in the International Learning Network (GPP)  
Funpreneur competition X  
BusinessplanLab X  
Entrepreneurship with Purpose    

TIP: Using a combination of multiple modules you can add a more economic orientation to your major, even if your major isn't economically oriented.

* Please note that all courses offered by the chair of Prof. Dr. Gersch are allowed for non-economic students only, whereas the courses offered by Profund are open to all students.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the target group of the GPP modules offered by the Chair of BA Gersch? Can I enroll in the courses of the focus area "Organization and Management" as a Business Administration or Economics student?

The target audience of the GPP modules offered by the Chair of BA Gersch are students with non-economic majors. In the competence area "Organization and Management", Business Administration and Economics students can only participate in the Start-Up Business module supported by Profund.

How many GPP courses offered by the professorship can I take?

Starting with the winter semester 2008/2009, you can gather up to 15 credit points in each competence area. This means a maximum of 3 modules can be completed at this chair (please note that some courses are consecutive and only accessible if the prerequisite course(s) have been successfully completed).

Are there necessary requirements to take part in the GPP courses of the competence area "Organization and Management"?

There are no general requirements. However, the more advanced courses require basic economic knowlege, so that for example the course "E-Business (GPP)" can only be taken if at least one of the principle courses (Business Administration and/or Marketing) has been successfully completed. The module "Net Economy - Case Studies in the International Learning Network (GPP)" can only be taken if the course "E-Business (GPP)" has been successfully completed.

Who do I approach if I'd like to have a GPP course accredited that I have completed at another university?

A decision concerning the accreditation of external courses is undertaken by the responsible administration/examination office, or the coordinator for your major. In general, this requires that the persons offering similar GPP courses at our chair check for equivalence. The chair of Business Administration Gersch can only carry out these equivalence tests for the modules "Business Principles (GPP)", "Marketing Principles (GPP)", "E-Business (GPP)" and "Case Studies in an International Study Network (GPP)". For these examinations please turn to Janina Sundermeier.
Students of Business Administration and Economics who would like to have GPP courses accredited please initially turn to the corresponding person offering the module, and then to the coordinator of your major.
Please note that the Freie Universität offers a broad range of courses for professional work preparation, and the necessary points can of course also be gathered from competence areas new to you.

Which registration deadlines must be considered?

The modules offered by the Chair of BA Gersch have a limited number of participants. A preliminary registration and assignment of a participant place is therefore necessary. If your major is displayed in the campus management, please use this system to register. Should this not be the case, send your participation request form to the person responsible for the corresponding course within the campus management deadlines.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding the courses offered by our chair. Visit our chair office at Garystraße 21 (3rd floor, room 307/308), take a look at our FAQ section below or send us an email at isabella.winter@fu-berlin.de.

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