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Publications in Corporate Governance and Accountability (CGA)


Jackson, G.HelfenM., Kaplan, R., Kirsch, A., Lohmeyer, N. (2019) The problem of de-contextualization in organization and management research. In: Research on the Sociology of Organizations (in print).


Helfen, M., Schüßler, E., Sydow, J. (2018): How can employment relations in global value networks be managed towards social responsibility. In: Human Relations 71 (in print).

Jackson, G, Doellgast, V., Baccaro, L. (2018): Corporate social responsibility and labour standards: Bridging business management and employment relations perspectives. In: British Journal of Industrial Relations 56(1): 3-13.

Kirsch, A. (2018) The gender composition of corporate boards: A review and research agenda. In: Leadership Quarterly 29(2): 346-364.

Lohmeyer, N., Jackson, G. (2018). The business case as new vocabulary of motive: Discourse coalitions around CSR in Germany, 1970-2014. In: Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings. Chicago.

Schreck, P., Raithel, S. (2018): Corporate Social Performance, Firm Size, and Organizational Visibility: Distinct and Joint Effects on Voluntary Sustainability Reporting, In: Business & Society, 57 (4): 742-778.


Jackson, G., Rathert, N. (2017): Private governance as regulatory substitute or complement? A comparative institutional theory of CSR adoption by multinational corporations. In: Research in the Sociology of Organizations 49: 445-478.


Blaufus, K., Hundsdoerfer, J., Jacob, M., Sünwoldt, M. (2016): Does Legality Matter? The Case of Tax Avoidance and Evasion. In: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 127: 182-206.

Helfen, M., Schüßler, E., Stevis, D. (2016): Translating European Labor Relations Practices to the United States Through Global Framework Agreements? German and Swedish Multinationals Compared. In: ILR Review 69(3): 631-655.

Ruhnke, K., Schmidt, M (2016): Changing the institutional framework of statutory audit: Internal stakeholders' perceptions of the associated benefit and costs. In: European Accounting Review 25(1): 59-79.


Luo, X., Wang, H., Raithel, S., Zheng, Q. (2015): Corporate social responsibility, analyst stock recommendations, and firm ruture returns. In: Strategic Management Journal 36 (1): 123-136.

Bigus, J. (2015): Auditor Reputation under Different Negligence Regimes. In: Abacus 51(3): 356-378.

Raithel, S., Schwaiger, M., (2015): The effects of corporate reputation perceptions of the general public on shareholder value. In: Strategic Management Journal 36(6): 945-956.


Jackson, G., Brammer, S., Karpoff, J., Lange, D., Zavyalova, A., Harrington, B., Partnoy, F., King, B., Deephouse, D. (2014): Grey areas: irresponsible corporations and reputational dynamics. In: Socio-Economic Review 12(1): 153-218.

Krauß, P., Pronobis, P., Zülch, H. (2014): Abnormal audit fees and audit quality: initial evidence from the German audit market. In: Journal of Business Economics 85(1): 45-84.


Sydow, J., Frenkel, S. (2013): Labor, risk, and uncertainty in global supply networks—Exploratory insights. In: Journal of Business Logistics 34(3): 236-247.

Organized Creativity
Garment Supply Chain Governance Project
Scientific Network on "Field-Configuring Events"
Microfoundations of Institutions
Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) /  W1-Stiftungsprofessuren am Department Wirtschaftsinformatik
Scientific Network “Temporary Organizing”