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Publications in Digitalization


Rothe, H., Wessel, L. & Barquet, A. (2020) Accumulating Design Knowledge: A Mechanisms-based Approach, Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), SI: Accumulation and Evolution of Knowledge in Design Science Research.

Wolbeck, L., Kliewer, N., Marques, I. (2020) Fair Shift Change Penalization Scheme for Nurse Rescheduling Problems, European Journal of Operational Research


Amberg, Ba., Amberg, Bo., Kliewer, N. (2019) Robust efficiency in urban public transportation: Minimizing delay propagation in cost-efficient bus and driver schedules, Transportation Science 53 (1), 89-112

Fürstenau, D., Auschra, C., Klein, M., Gersch, M. (2019) A Process Perspective on Platform Design and Management. Electronic Markets; in press.

Fürstenau, D., Baiyere, A., Kliewer, N. (2019) A Dynamic Model of Embeddedness in Digital Infrastructures. Information Systems Research; in press.

Kreutzmann, A.K., Pannier, S., Rojas-Perilla, N., Schmid, T., Templ, M. & Tzavidis, N. (2019). The R package emdi for estimating and mapping regionally disaggregated indicators. Journal of Statistical Software, angenommen.

Kühl, N., Lobana, J. and Meske, C. (2019)*. Do you comply with AI? Personalized explanations of learning algorithms and their impact on employees' compliance behavior. 40th International Conference on Information Systems (cond. accepted; winner of the ICIS Paper-a-Thon). *shared 1stauthorship.

Mafael, A. (2019). How Regulatory Orientation and Feelings of Gratitude Shape Online Review Helpfulness, Journal of Consumer Psychology, forthcoming.

Meske, C. (2019). Digital Workplace Transformation – On The Role of Self-Determination in the Context of Transforming Work Environments, Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), paper 44, pp. 1-18

Meske, C., Wilms, K. and Stieglitz, S. (2019). Enterprise Social Networks as Digital Infrastructures - Understanding the Utilitarian Value of Social Media at the Workplace, Information Systems Management (ISM) (forthcoming).

Raithel, S., Mafael, A., Hausmann, M., Niemann, A., Schwaiger, M. (2019). The influence of online complaints on third-party consumers. Proceedings of the 48th EMAC-Conference, Hamburg, Germany

Rothe, H., Jarvenpaa, S, Penninger, A.A. (2019) How do Entrepreneurial Firms Appropriate Value in Bio Data Infrastructures: an Exploratory Qualitative Study. In Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).

Ruhnke, K. (2019): Auf dem Weg zur Big Data Analytics in der Abschlussprüfung, WPg, 02-2019, 64-71

Wessel, L., Davidson, E., Barquet, A. P., Rothe, H., Peters, O., & Megges, H. (2019). Configuration in smart service systems: A practice‐based inquiry. Information Systems Journal, 29(6), 1256-1292.


Bartke, P., Kliewer, N., Cleophas, C. (2018) Benchmarking filter-based demand estimates for airline revenue management, EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics 7 (1), 57-88

Scheel, A., Hanke, S. (2018) Social Media as Innovation Laboratory – Data kraken or useful tool for managing innovation. Proceedings of R&D Management Conference, Milano, Italy

Sundermeier, J., Wessel, L. Davidson, E. (2018). Can digital innovation alter the landscape of women’s entrepreneurship? Towards a research agenda. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2018).


Fürstenau, D., Rothe, H. & Sandner, M. (2017) Shadow Systems, Risk, and Shifting Power Relations in Organizations. Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS), 41(1).

Gottschalk, S. and Mafael, A. (2017). Cutting Through the Online Review Jungle — Investigating Selective eWOM Processing, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 37, 89-104

Groß, M., Rendtel, U., Schmid, T., Schmon, S., & Tzavidis, N. (2017). Estimating the density of ethnic minorities and aged people in Berlin: Multivariate kernel density estimation applied to sensitive geo-referenced administrative data protected via measurement error. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 180 (1), 161-183

Wessel, L.; Gersch, M.; Harloff, E. (2017). Talking Past Each Other: A Discursive Approach to the Formation of Societal-Level Information Pathologies in the Context of the Electronic Health Card in Germany, Business & Information Systems Engineering 59 (1), 23-40

Schmid, T., Bruckschen, F., Salvati, N. & Zbiranski, T. (2017) Constructing socio-demographic indicators for National Statistical Institutes using mobile phone data: Estimating literacy rates in Senegal, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, 180, 1163-1190


Eppinger, E., Scheel, A. (2016) Diffusions- und Adoptionsbarrieren bei internetbasierten Geschäftsmodellen: Herausforderungen und Handlungsempfehlungen für Unternehmen in der Printmedien-Branche. In: Schallmo, D. et al. (eds.): Digitale Transformation von Geschäftsmodellen -Grundlagen, Instrumente und Best Practices, Springer Verlag, Wiesbaden.


Riemer, K., Stieglitz, S. and Meske, C. (2015) From Top to Bottom: Investigating the Changing Role of Hierarchy in Enterprise Social Networks, Business Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 57 (3), 197-212


Riedl, R., Mohr, P.N.C., Kenning, P.H., Davis, F.D., and Heekeren, H.R. (2014) Trusting Humans and Avatars: A Brain Imaging Study based on Evolution Theory, Journal of Management Information Systems, Special Issue „Neuroeconomics and Information Systems Research“, 83-114


Gersch, M.; Hewing, M.; Schöler, B. (2011) Business Process Blueprinting – An Enhanced View on Process Performance, in: Business Process Management Journal (BPMJ) 17 (5), 732-747


Möller, J., Eisend M. (2010). A Global Investigation into the Cultural and Individual Antecedents of Banner Advertising Effectiveness, Journal of International Marketing, 18 (2), 80-98

Organized Creativity
Garment Supply Chain Governance Project
Scientific Network on "Field-Configuring Events"
Microfoundations of Institutions
Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) /  W1-Stiftungsprofessuren am Department Wirtschaftsinformatik
Scientific Network “Temporary Organizing”